Maine Coon

*A Gentle Giant
*People Oriented, but not Dependent

"Maines reach full size between three and five years of age."

Maine Coons are as well loved for their purrsonalities as for their rugged good looks. These Down East, down-home cats are robust, peaceable and gentle. Playful and unfailingly good natured, this cat remains kittenish throughout its entire life- the perfect pet for active families.
Head: Large; high cheekbones, squared muzzle
Eyes: Large, round, slightly slanted and wide apart; usually green, gold, or copper; white cats may have blue or odd eyes
Ears: Large, wide at the base; well tufted
Body: Medium to very large; sturdy, large boned, muscular, broad chested
Coat: Heavy and shaggy, smooth and silky; longer on the ruff, stomach, and breeches
Tail: Long, bushy, tapered
Patterns: Nearly all colors and patterns
Breed History: Considered the first native American longhair, the Maine Coon is one of the oldest natural breeds in North America. A number of fascinating legends add to its charm.

One theory held that the Maine Coon resulted from a cross between a raccoon and a cat- which is how the "Coon Cat" got its name. This legend was supported by the Maine Coon's bushy tail and its often raccoon like coloration- but, in fact, the cross is genetically unfeasible. Another colorful theory holds that the Maine Coon descended from six longhaired cats sent to Wicasset, Maine, by Marie Antoinette before she was to be smuggled out of France before the French Revolution. Still another folk tale traces the Maine Coon back to a sea captain named Coon, who brought Persian and Angora cats to North America and so introduced the longhaired gene to the New World.

Today, the consensus is that the Maine Coon descended from matings between shorthaired American cats and longhairs brought from overseas- either Angoras used as rat catchers by New England seamen or ancestors of the Norwegian Forest Cat brought by the Vikings.


Additional Notes:

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