Evidence indicates that cats were first tamed in Egypt....I postulate that cats started as psychic companions, as Familiars, and have never deviated from this function.
William Burroughs

Cats are always elegant.
John Weitz

Watch a cat when it enters a room for the first time. It searches and smells about, it is not quiet for a moment, it trusts nothing until it has examined and made acquaintance with everything.
Jean Jacques Rousseau

Cats virtually always underestimate human intelligence just as we, perhaps, underestimate theirs.
Roger Caras

If there is one spot of sun spilling onto the floor, a cat will find it and soak it up.
Joan McIntosh

The ideal of calm exists in a sitting cat.
Jules Reynard

If a fish is the movement of water embodied, given shape, then a cat is a diagram and pattern of subtle air.
Doris Lessing

It as as easy to hold quicksilver between your finger and thumb as to keep a cat that means to escape.
Andrew Lang

Like a graceful vase, a cat, even when motionless, seems to flow.
George Will

When you're special to a cat, you're special indeed...she brings to you the gift of her preference of you, the sound of your voice, the touch of your hand.
Leonore Fleischer

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