A cat sleeps fat, yet walks thin.
Fred Schwab

With cats, one can never be certain.
Hartley Ramsay

Although all cat games have their rules and ritual, these vary with the individual player. The cat, of course, never breaks a rule. If it does not follow precedent, that simply means it has created a new rule and it is up to you to learn it quickly if you want the game to continue.
Sidney Denham

As anyone who has ever been around a cat for any length of time well knows, cats have enormous patience with the limitations of the human mind.
Cleveland Armory

As to sagacity, I should say that his judgment respecting the warmest place and the softest cushionin a room is infallible,his punctuality at mealtimes isadmirable, and his pertinacity in jumping on people's shoulder till they give him some of the best of what is going, indicates great firmness.
Thomas Huxley

Thw way to get on with a cat is to treat it as an equal-- or even better, as the superior it knows itself to be.
Elizabeth Peters

Somebody once said that a dog looked up to a man as its superior, that a horse regarded a man as its equal, and that a cat looked down on him as its inferior.
Compton Mackenzie

Cats can be very funny, and have the oddest ways of showing they're glad to see you. Rudimace always peed in our shoes.
W H Anden

If we address him as "Tiger," he will eat us; if we address him as "Mr Tiger," he will eat us.
Hindu Proverb

The sleek musculature of tawny long legged jungle cats uncoiling in the foreground of your mind...
Daniel Hoffman

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