This story was written for submission to Reader's Digest in 1992. This is a true story: any resemblance to actual humor is intentional.   :)

Setting The Hook

"Let's go fishing!" said my son, Nathan. The suggestion was only half-hearted, as it was a sunny Texas day- the sun beating down hot, and my hair sticking wetly to my neck. My husband, Thurston, sat nearby, concerned for the moment only with the ice-cold lemonade I had recently brought him.

"Hey, that's not a half-bad suggestion," I said, "It would be great for you two to do a 'man thing' together."

"Man thing?" asked Nathan; and "What do you mean 'you two'?" asked Thurston.

"But, but, I don't fish!" I protested.

"Oh, come on, mom, it won't be any fun without you." I knew I was outgunned with that line, so with a show of bravado we prepared to go fishing. We grabbed the phone book and found a nearby 'Catfish Pond'. They are small, privately-owned ponds that are stocked with fish every few months. Basically, you are guaranteed to catch something. Then you are charged by the pound for whatever you catch. That sounded like the place for us! We scanned our equipment: Thurston's pole, Nathan's pole, OOOPS! No pole for me, guess I can't go after all.

"No problem," says Thurston, "You can rent them there." Oh, well. Fried chicken for lunch, the poles, and the bait are assembled. And.... we're off!

More summer sun, more sweat, and we are not catching any fish. All around the pond people are landing fish after fish, but not us. Finally, Thurston catches one! Now Nathan is excited again. My bait keeps getting chewed off the hook. Every time it disappears, I have to ask my husband to bait my hook for me. I tried to do it myself once, really I did; but the feel of that fat worm, and pushing the hook through it, gave me the creeps.

Bored, I wandered off by myself, further around the pond, while my men were busy casting and reeling . I sat right at the edge of the pond so I could dangle my feet in the water. Aaaaah, that felt so good, as hot as the day was. I wiggled my toes around, watching the ripples that I made.

Aaaaaeeeeeee! Startled fishers watched in amazement as I screamed and jumped straight up- a huge old fish had just attempted to swallow my toes!!! "It bit me! It bit me!" I screamed hysterically, as I watched it swim away just under the silvery surface of the water! All around the pond, fishermen began laughing at me. Embarrassed, I got mad at that fish for making me look foolish. While everyone was distracted by their mirth, I meekly dropped my line in the water right where I had last seen that dad-blamed fish. Wouldn't you know it? That same big ole fish hit my line! The hook held him fast, but I was so startled by success that my mind totally blanked out on what to do next! I forgot that the line could be reeled in, so I started BACKING UP... pulling the line up the bank. I kept on backing up until that crazy, toe-eating catfish was up on the bank! I was oblivious to the hysterics of the fishers around the pond, because I was too busy yelling, "I got him! I got him!" as I backed up the slope.

Thurston has never forgiven me for catching the biggest fish of the day while using a rented pole; and I have never forgotten the feel of that cold, slimy fish mouth trying to swallow my toes on a sunny Texas Day.

Copyright June 24, 1992, J Montgomery

author's note: I am now quite a good fisherwoman, and adore fishing. I bait my own hooks, have my own tackle, and clean my own catch when I am fortunate enough to catch something-
But I STILL will never forget that toe-eating catfish!