The Search

My soul,
Buffeted by winds of indifference,
Lashed by whips of treachery,
Chained by iron links
Forged of lies,
Lost to the world of Love,
Heaves a sigh;
And all the torment of the Earth
Is sadly breathed out.
One, just one!
I ask for only one other soul
Who, sharing in the true me,
Spreads Love, like a cloak
Made of rainbows,
Around my weary shoulders.
How I yearn for one
To whom I am important!
For my passing now
Would be marked by none.
Losing me is no loss,
Any more than losing a coin
One just found.
A pretty jewel perhaps,
Not missed because it was,
After all, naught but paste.
(I cry, but none hear.)

 Copyright 1986  J. Montgomery