American Burmese

*Friendly and Relaxed
*Sense of Humor

Head: Rounded, domed; no flat planes
Eyes: Slightly slanted; gold to yellow
Ears: Wide-set; small
Body: Intermediate; muscular, compact; strong shoulders
Coat: Short and glossy; satin finish
Tail: Medium length; slight taper
Patterns: Sable brown, also blue, champagne and platinum
Breed History: This breed can be traced back to Dr. Joseph Thompson, of San Francisco, California. In the 1930's he acquired Wong Mau, a little brown female from Burma. Smitten with her glossy good looks, Thompson began a selective breeding program with Siamese, and Wong Mau spawned an entirely new breed of walnut-brown cats.

The full story of the American Burmese begins in Burma in the 15th century. There, golden-eyed brown cats guarded Buddhist temples and were believed to serve as way stations for the souls of the dead as they traveled to their next life. It was said that the Burmese protected its owners from evil, brought them happiness and upon its death intervened on behalf of its owners with the Buddha.

This legendary devotion is borne out in the affectionate personality of the American Burmese. Sturdier than their European cousins, American Burmese are described as "bricks wrapped in silk".

Additional Notes:

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