American Curl

*Quietly Affable

"Cats with true style, Curls quickly win admirers."

Look past the ears, and the American Curl is a cat with an open expression and a winning, kittenish purrsonality. In fact, as many Curl lovers would agree, this still limited breed is truly "earmarked" for attention!

Head: Rounded
Eyes: Round; all colors
Ears: Stiff to the touch; curled up and back, exposing hairy tufts
Body: Intermediate; sturdy
Coat: Short or long
Tail: Medium length
Patterns: All colors and patterns
Breed History: The American Curl is a rags-to-riches story, in keeping with the true American Tradition. In 1981, two small visitors appeared at the door of Joe and Grace Ruga of Lakewood, California- stray kittens with unusual ears that curled backwards. One kitten stayed with the Rugas, who named her Shulamith, meaning "black and comely". Shulamith mated and produced a litter of four, two of which inherited the curled back ears. One of the curly-eared kittens was given to Grace's sister. That cat went on to have more curly eared kittens. It appeared that the ears were not a fluke, as they had first believed.

When Nancy Kiester bought two kittens of the second litter, she noticed the similarity to the Scottish Fold- although the Fold's ears lay down forward, and the Curl's lay back. In 1983 Nancy and the Rugas entered their unusual cats in the noncompetitive section of a cat show.

Only 6 years after Shulamith showed up, her descendents were in competition- and the American Curl took its place among the other breeds.  The distinctive curling ears develop 2 to 10 days after birth, then curl and uncurl for about 4 months, at which time they set permanently.


Additional Notes:

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