Colorpoint Shorthair


"These beautiful cats are compassionate and eager to be loved."

With so much the emphasis on their striking good looks, its no wonder that Colorpoint Shorthairs love high theater. Always performing, always aware of their audience, they believe they are scene-stealers...and they are right!

Head: Wedge shaped; long nose
Eyes: Medium, almond shaped; vivid blue
Ears: Large, pointed
Body: Medium, elongated, svelte 
Coat: Short, close, fine, glossy
Tail: Long, thin and tapered
Patterns: Point colors include red, cream, seal tortie, chocolate tortie, blue- or lilac- cream; also lynx patterns
Breed History: Stylish, sleek and exotic are words that come to mind when viewing the Colorpoint Shorthair. But those who know these cats well will tell you that beneath the exquisite exterior beats one of the most empathic hearts in catdom. They are loving and sensitive- cats that like to be involved in everything that goes on in their family.

Colorpoint Shorthairs emerged in England in the late 1940's, when breeders mated Siamese with red tabbies and Abyssinians. The result? Tortoiseshell point Siamese Cats. Breeding these cats with each other, and their offspring with Siamese produced litters of standard color Siamese but with colored points- red, cream, and tortie. In the 1960's lynx (or tabby) patterns were introduced and the Colorpoint Shorthair continued to evolve, adding exciting new colors and patterns to its points.

Although Colorpoint Shorthairs are genetically Siamese cats, the CFA and the Canadian Cat Association consider them a separate breed. Other associations classify them as a "new color" Siamese. Whichever way you classify them, this cat makes a striking appearance.
Additional Notes:

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