Cornish Rex

*Enterprising Acrobat
*Good With Children

"Humans who are adopted by the Cornish Rex find them to be sweet natured and good company."

Though this refined cat demands a lot of attention- a delicate touch in grooming to prevent damage to its coat, protection from extremes in temperature, and great care in its diet to maintain the purrfect figure- the Cornish Rex repays all this attention with warmth, playfulness, intelligence, and abundant affection.

Head: Long, narrow, and wedge shaped; long nose
Eyes: Medium size; oval; usually golden
Ears: Large, flared; rounded tips; high set
Body: Small to medium; long, slender; tucked at waist; arched back 
Coat: Tight, curly, wave; soft and silky; no guard hairs
Tail: Long and slender
Patterns: Nearly all colors and patterns
Breed History: With long, slender legs, a gently arching back and small waist, the Cornish Rex is the greyhound of cats. And what better coat for such an elegant creature than a distinctive soft and wavy one that looks and feels like cut velvet?

Oddly enough, this exotic looking cat traces its beginnings to a humble barn in Cornwall, England. There, in 1950, a cream-colored kitten with an unusual wavy coat was born in a litter of five. The owner, who named the kitten Kallibunker, assumed the unusual coat was a spontaneous mutation; encouraged by a genetics expert, he started a breeding program in an attempt to continue the look. To strengthen the initially somewhat delicate Cornish Rex stock, its lines were mixed with those of a number of sturdier cats, including Burmese, British Shorthair and Russian Blue. Later on, in America, they were crossed with Siamese to add to its exotic, oriental look.

For all its sleek refinement, the Cornish Rex is decidedly an affectionate lap cat. And, owing to its extremely fine and thin coat, its an indoor cat- at least, in cold climates. To offset the chilly nature of its coat, the Cornish Rex has a body temperature one degree higher than the higher average cat.
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