
*Very Docile and Laid-back
*Easy with Children
*Well Mannered

"Ragamuffins make ideal pets for the first time cat owner."

Ragamuffins are one of the most relaxed, perfectly happy cats you are ever likely to encounter.
Head: Medium size; broad; modified wedge; medium nose
Eyes: Oval, expressive, large
Ears: Medium size; slight forward tilt; rounded tips
Body: Very large and heavy; firm, muscular; full chest
Coat: Medium long to long; shorter on the face; plush, silky
Tail: Long, fluffy; slight taper; carried higher than the back
Patterns: All varieties of point colors; all mink and sepia colors; all colors of Persians in solids, mitted, and particolors
Breed History: The Ragamuffin is a Ragdoll cat in a coat of many colors. It has luxuriantly long plush fur, wide, inquisitive oval eyes, and an unusually docile and happy disposition. A Ragamuffin never gets itself worked up over a day's events. Why worry when you can play or sleep instead?

Ragamuffins were designated as a separate breed in 1994 because their ancestors, the Ragdolls (which look like longhaired Siamese or Birmans), are recognized for competition in limited colors. The Ragamuffin, on the other hand, can come in many colors, including all pointed color varieties: red, tortie, mink, sepia, seal, blue, chocolate or lilac.
Additional Notes:

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