
*Very Docile and Laid-back
*Quiet Voice Unless Excited
*Amazingly Tolerant

"Ragdolls are "living plush toy" cats. They are the most docile of all the cat breeds."

One thing is immediately noticeable about these happy, tolerant cats- their size. According to the Ragdoll Fanciers Club, the Ragdoll is the largest breed of cat in The Guinness Book of World Records; the males can reach 20 pounds.
Head: Medium size; broad; modified wedge; nose "break" between the eyes
Eyes: Oval, large; bright blue
Ears: Medium size; slight forward tilt; rounded tips
Body: Very large and heavy; firm, muscular; full chest
Coat: Medium long to long; shorter on the face; plush, silky
Tail: Long, fluffy; slight taper; carried higher than the back
Patterns: Blue point, chocolate point, seal point, lilac point; colorpoint, mitted, and bicolor patterns
Breed History: Pick up one of these amazingly docile cats and it will become as floppy as a favorite old ragdoll- hence the name of the breed. But the Ragdoll is more than just a floppy cat. It is a heavier. luxuriantly longhaired version of the Birman, with elements of the persian and perhaps a touch of Angora or Burmese.

The Ragdoll first appeared in the 1960's, the offspring of a longhaired white cat named Josephine and a seal pointed Birman. One of the resultant kittens, a tom named Daddy War Bucks, became the patriarch of the breed. According to Ann Baker, the first breeder, after Josephine had been injured in an auto accident she passed on to her descendents a lower vulnerability to pain. Geneticists say this is impossible (of course it is!), but it IS true that Ragdolls are probably the most docile of all cats in the world.

A Ragdoll is a relaxed, extremely tolerant cat. This is not surprising since its parent stock-Birmans and Persians- are also well known for their mild temperaments. But Ragdolls go one step further. They have been described as excessively good natured cats, as imperturbable cats and, of course, as floppy cats.
Additional Notes:

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