SHOWS 311B: Breed Standards

Class Syllabus
The following chapters will teach you about the Breed Standards used to judge your pedigreed Kats. Although the chapters are arranged in alphabetical order for ease, feel free to study in any order that you wish, by either going directly to a chapter from here, or by going through them in order by using the back/next navigation buttons provided.
Abyssinian American Bobtail American Curl
American Shorthair American Wirehair Balinese
Bengal Birman Bombay
British Shorthair California Spangled Cat Chartreux 
Colorpoint Shorthair Cornish Rex Cymric
Egyptian Mau European Burmese European Shorthair
Exotic Shorthair Havana Brown Himalayan
Japanese Bobtail Javanese Korat
La Perm Longhaired Scottish Fold Maine Coon
Manx Munchkin Nebelung
Norwegian Forest  Ocicat Oriental Shorthair
Persian Ragamuffin Ragdoll
Russian Blue Scottish Fold Selkirk Rex
Siamese Siberian Forest Cat Singapura
Snowshoe Somali Sphinx
Tonkinese Turkish Angora Turkish Van

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