
Panthera pardus
head and body 35-75 inches, tail 22-43 inches, weight 81-198 pounds
A background of straw-colored, gray, or reddish-brown fur with black spots and rosettes of infinite variation. The throat, underparts, chest, and down the inside of the legs are white. The body is lithe, with muscular limbs, and the tail is carried in an upward curl.
Habitat: Forest, savannahs, scrub, semidesert, rocky mountain areas.
Habits: Nocturnal. Terrestrial, but spends much time in trees.
Prey: Deer, wild pigs, gazelle, rodents, domesticated animals.
Distribution: Africa, China, Siberia, Israel, Middle East, India, Southeast Asia.
Additional Notes: The leopard spends much of its time in the trees. It likes to drop down upon its prey. Once a prey animal is killed, the leopard will drag it into the fork of a tree to protect it from other predators until it is comfortably consumed.

The infamous Black Leopard/Black Panther is a mutant variation of coat color. It is not truly solid black, but actually has the faintest rosettes on its body, which you cannot see in the shadows, but becomes apparent in the sunlight.


see the rosette tracings in this picture?

Photos by Pantera
Zoo World, Panama City, FL
April 2000

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